2018-11-30轉知台灣醫院協會-國際醫院聯盟2019年第43屆世界醫院大會(43rd World Hospital Congress)徵稿訊息
國際醫院聯盟2019年第43屆世界醫院大會將於11月7~9日於阿曼馬斯喀特Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre(OCEC)舉行,由阿曼衛生部(Ministry of Health of the Sultanate of Oman)主辦,主題為“People at the heart of health services in peace and crisis”。大會將邀請多位重量級的國際政府/非政府組織代表人發表演說,並有多場專題演講、分場論壇、口頭發表及海報展示、專案獎項評選及頒獎、醫院參訪活動等,此為一年一度的國際性醫院大會暨學術研討活動,惠請踴躍投稿!
※ 公開徵求口頭或海報論文摘要,徵求領域及次主題如下:【投稿截止日為2019年2月15日】
- Resilient health services
- Best practices for preparedness and responses to disasters, outbreaks and cyberattacks
- Mitigating consequences of conflicts and terror attacks to continue serving all especially vulnerable groups
- Operating under severe resource constraints
- Leading practices reflecting systematic approaches to learning from crises and trauma
- Violence in the workplace
- Innovation for health impact
- Removing barriers to innovation with change management
- Hospital Technology Assessment to speed up innovation adoption
- Embedding collaboration with industries for health innovation
- Procurement to accelerate and develop innovation
- Enhancing digital health services in the virtual space
- Health investment for prosperity
- Exploring governance practices driving better efficiency and relevance
- What management and leadership can do for increased efficiency and outcomes
- Inter-professional leadership for cost effectiveness and quality improvement
- What are the impacts of hospitals in the local and national economy
- Future of hospitals in an economically constrained world
※ 2019世界醫院大會官網: https://worldhospitalcongress..org/
※ 大會徵稿網頁(Call for Abstracts):http://bit.ly/WHC-ab
台灣醫院協會洽詢窗口:劉思妤專員 02-2808-3300分機29