病人的安全就是醫院的基石 感染管制是病人安全的基石
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主委發表種類: 口頭
投稿標題(中): 由比較Belize和台灣的感染管制措施差異,改善Belize社區感染管制。
投稿標題(英): Identify ways to improve community infection control in Belize by identifying differences in community infection control between Belize and Taiwan.
投稿摘要: 一、Objectives: The aim of this study is to identify differences in community infection control between Belize and Taiwan and identify ways to improve community infection control in Belize. 二、Background Currently Belize's population is an estimated 410,825 (United nation estimate July 1st, 2003). The common infectious diseases that are reported under,communicable and notifiable diseases, are gastroenteritis, malaria, gonococcal infections, syphilis, epatitis(A,B,C), mumps, conjunctivitis, and dengue. Statistics are available for these diseases via the SIB(Statistical Institute of Belize webpage.) Belize is divided into four major health regions. Each region has two government hospitals along with various clinics, polyclinics, and satellite clinics. Mobile clinics are also carried out to deliver health care to remote areas, with the assistance of community healthcare workers. Belize has recently embarked on a new journey and declared that health care will be free, however the services available remain limited. 三、Materials/Method This research was conducted primarily through direct observation/active learning and employee interviews. We visited (1)Day care center, (2) home health care, and (3) long-term care facilities (nursing homes). During these visits, the community infection control situation was observed and discussions were held with doctors and nurses about what exactly was being done; and the infection control measures that needed to be noted in patient care. 四、Results/Discussion: The main differences identified are the various activities or programs Taiwan have in place that focus on different community aspects; home care, day care, and integrative medicine department programs. The common goal of these programs are to provide care for those who are unable to or have difficulty assessing medical care due to a magnitude of reasons. As it relates to meeting infection control requirements in the aspect of community health; health education prior to discharge, community health fairs, community outreach, follow-up appointments at health care facilities, and referrals to specialists clinics, are in place in Belize. It is a part of routine care. Infection control, patient centered, is practiced mainly within the hospital setting as opposed to within the community in Belize. 五、Conclusion These results show that these differences identified can be used to improve our health system and more importantly our community infection control in Belize. With the more vulnerable population being attended to in their homes it decreases their chances of being exposed to the elements. Having these programs in place will decrease the more vulnerable population, be it the elderly, the immuno-supressed, those requiring palliative or hospice care, from becoming severe or even entering the hospital setting. With time, and after more research, and as the need arises, evidence based research will be available to support these programs in Belize. Health education and training is always the answer, and with increased education and training within the health-care system the system will be better equipped and more efficient and effective at meeting community infection control standards. Human resources are limited. Belize may not have the required target population to begin providing and sustaining these services. Other factors; geographical location, physical resources, time, infrastructure may limit outreach activities. There may also be problems with communication and access to information. By learning the infection control measures implemented by Taiwanese hospitals for [patients returning from hospitals to the community], and with limited manpower and material resources, the greatest benefit will be achieved by implementing key projects.
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